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Saturday, June 25, 2011

An Introduction to Narcassism

Hey folks, narcassism is also known as being in love with oneself. Psychiatrists say that it is a medical condition. Hats off to you doctor, really you graduated from medical school and that takes time, money, dedication and inteligence. But I must confess, if being in love with myself is a medical condition I am sick as ever. No, I don't want to take Zoloft or any other drug. I prefer the road less traveled by, yup I prefer convincing the world (by world I mean everyone that reads this) that my views, my ideas, my hopes for humanity are better than CNN's, the Food Network's, and yes even better than congress's. (That is not that hard to achieve.) So world, (again, refer to definition above) if your sick of superficial news casters, uninterested grocery store workers, & unethical businessmen come on into my cyber store of narcassism. you dont need a doctors note for these narcotis.

Yours untruly, cause I am my own.

Ben Williams   

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