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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Meteorology: The Study of Uselessness

     Would you rather highlight and annotate the U.S. tax code or watch the weather channel? Obviously the first one. If the church is God's kingdom over the earth the weather channel is Satan's. Indeed weather forecasts can accurately be considered hell by all definitions of the word. I youtubed weather videos and there were far too many to look through all of them but I watched the funny ones and they were terrible. Hint: if something sucks even when it is supposed to be funny, the topic should be eliminated from society. 
     Now, many will say that the weather forecast is important and for them I have a question. Why? it is not hard to tell you that it will be sunny in July or cold in November. But the weatherman does not even do that, instead he says it in bogus code that not even the CIA can decipher such as..."from the northwest we can see a medium high-pressure system and the inversion caused by the canyon will effect temperatures." By the time most Americans have figured out which way is northwest the dude, with his classless weatherman style, is waving his hands this way and that way trying to get us excited about something that is literally right outside our door. So, if you want to know the weather don't bother supporting the cult of meteorology; rather, look outside and boom you have the weather!
     Below is a video that makes c-span seem like a godsend. It had the subtitle "some interesting weather on tap here after a boring summer..." newsflash: the weather is NEVER interesting. The cult of weathermen poses a greater threat to America than the left wing socialist nut jobs who want to infiltrate this country and turn it communist and watch it go down in flames because the weathermen are actually real. Only 2 percent of people will get that joke I just made but it IS funny. So if you want suicidal thought flooding your brain watch the clip. 

Yours untruly, cause I am my own
Benjamin Williams

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